
How to Write a Research Paper Conclusion

The conclusion is the final part of a research paper. It summarizes the key points made in the paper and reinforces the thesis statement. For those facing challenges, seeking expert assistance with someone write a research paper for me ensures a polished and impactful conclusion that meets academic standards. An effective conclusion leaves the reader with a lasting impression of the paper’s contents.

Wrap Up Key Points

The first part of the conclusion should summarize the key points made throughout the body of the paper. Don’t simply restate the thesis word-for-word. Instead, highlight the main inferences drawn in each section. This reminds readers of the paper’s key arguments and findings.

For example, “This paper has demonstrated that an increase in minimum wage has numerous benefits for low-income workers, including reduced poverty rates and higher family incomes. Raising the minimum wage also does not appear to have significant negative effects on employment levels.”

Relate Back to Thesis

Next, clearly reiterate the main thesis or purpose statement from the introduction. This connects the conclusion back to the broader objectives outlined at the start of the paper:

“In summary, the evidence strongly indicates that moderately increasing the minimum wage would improve incomes for millions of low-wage workers without causing measurable employment loss.”

Close With Impact

End the conclusion with a statement on the implications, significance, or impact of the research findings. This gives a sense of closure and leaves readers considering the paper’s contribution to knowledge:

“Policies that raise the minimum wage have tremendous potential to reduce poverty and provide a living wage for millions of hard-working but underpaid Americans. Lawmakers should give serious consideration to minimum wage increases as a means of improving standards of living for the least advantaged members of society.”

Don’t Include New Ideas

The conclusion should only discuss ideas already presented in the research paper. Introducing new claims or evidence weakens the impact of the conclusion.

Keep it Concise

Conclusions should be relatively short compared to the length of the whole paper. Aim for a conclusion that is about 5-10% of the total paper length. For a 10-page paper, the conclusion would be about 1 page. As students delve into the intricacies of composing a research paper conclusion, understanding the elements of a powerful ending is crucial; for those seeking guidance and expertise, the incorporation of the best essay writing services ensures a well-written conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Long, rambling conclusions lose their effectiveness. Stick to the main points and keep it brief.

Tips for an Impactful Conclusion

Here are some additional tips for writing a strong research paper conclusion:

  • Avoid excessive repetition of the thesis. Restate it in different words rather than copying it verbatim.
  • If applicable, address the limitations of the study and ideas for future research.
  • Widen out the perspective in the final sentences, thinking about implications beyond the specific focus of the paper.
  • Pose an interesting rhetorical question for readers to consider.
  • Finish with a strong take-home message that affirms the importance of the research.

Example Conclusion

Here is an example conclusion for a research paper on the effects of vegetarianism on health:

“This review has analyzed numerous studies investigating the health impacts of a vegetarian diet versus an omnivorous diet. The research clearly indicates that vegetarianism is associated with lower risks for obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. These benefits are likely due to lower saturated fat intakes, higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, and increased fiber, vitamin C, and phytochemical intakes among vegetarians.

Consequently, promoting vegetarian diets could improve population health and reduce healthcare costs related to chronic diseases. However, more studies using representative population samples are needed to definitively establish the causality and magnitude of these effects. Further research should also explore impacts within key demographic groups and investigate which specific vegetarian foods optimize health benefits. Current evidence nonetheless suggests the merits of vegetarian diets and highlights the importance of expanding public health efforts to increase vegetarianism for the prevention of chronic disease.”

Conclusion Structure Tips

Here are some tips on how to structure an effective research paper conclusion:

Topic Sentence

Begin the conclusion with a topic sentence that announces you are summarizing the paper’s main points:

  • “In summary…”
  • “In conclusion…”
  • “Overall, this paper has argued…”


Synthesize the key points made throughout the body of the paper – do not just repeat the topic sentences:

  • “The evidence presented demonstrates that…”
  • “This review has provided substantial support for the hypothesis that…”
  • “The results of the analyses strongly suggest…”

Thesis Restatement

Restate the main thesis from the introduction, using different wording:

  • “In short, the research findings are consistent with the initial prediction that…”
  • “To summarize, this paper supports the theory that…”


Highlight the implications, importance, or impact of the research findings:

  • “This approach could provide a way to significantly improve…”
  • “These results have important implications for understanding how…”
  • “The evidence suggests this treatment method has tremendous potential for…”

Final Thought

Conclude with a final thought or question for readers to consider:

  • “More exploration is needed to fully understand the root causes of…”
  • “As society continues to evolve, it will be critical to reassess assumptions about…”
  • “Moving forward, perhaps the most important question is how we can build on these findings to create meaningful improvements in people’s lives.”

Proofreading Your Conclusion

It is important to thoroughly proofread and edit the conclusion before submitting a research paper. Follow these steps:

Check Content Flow

Read through the conclusion to ensure the content flows logically from one idea to the next. Make sure it summarizes the main points coherently.

Verify Accuracy

Double check that the key points referenced align with the content presented in the research paper. Make sure the restatement of the thesis is accurate.

Refine Wording

Carefully proofread the wording in the conclusion, changing words and rephrasing sentences as needed to maximize clarity.

Watch Tone

Make sure the conclusion employs an appropriate academic tone. The writing should not be too informal.

Check Spelling and Grammar

Use spelling and grammar check tools to catch any errors. Read aloud to catch small mistakes.

Revise Sentence Structure

Vary sentence structure to avoid repetition. Break up lengthy sentences when possible.

Review Formatting

Check that formatting matches the rest of the paper. Things like font, margins, and citations should be consistent.


Thoroughly proofreading the conclusion helps ensure it reinforces the rest of the research paper effectively. A strong conclusion contributes to an impactful scholarly paper.

Common Problems to Avoid

It is important to avoid some common problems that can weaken the conclusion of a research paper:

Don’t Introduce New Ideas

All content in the conclusion should relate to ideas already presented in the paper. Don’t introduce new claims, evidence, or topics.

Don’t Cite Sources

Research citations should not appear in the conclusion – all key sources should already be referenced in the body of the paper.

Don’t Use Overly Casual Tone

Avoid phrasing that is too informal, conversational, or personal. Maintain a formal academic writing style.

Don’t Restate the Abstract

The conclusion should not simply rehash the information included in the abstract at the start of the paper.

Don’t Just Summarize Topic Sentences

Simply restating the topic sentences from each section is not an effective summary. Synthesize key points.

Don’t Drastically Diverge

Stay focused on summarizing the research paper’s purpose and main findings in the conclusion. Don’t diverge into peripheral topics.

Don’t Make Unsupported Claims

Any claims made in the conclusion must be directly supported by evidence in the research paper.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help produce a well-structured, concise, and informative conclusion. Stick to summarizing the key information already presented in the paper.

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